National Reading Events
NSW Premier's Reading Challenge
Wingecarribee Public Library supports the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge by stocking many of the titles on the list and by helping students to locate PRC books to read.
To view a list of Premier's Reading Challenge books held by the Library, click on the links below:
Premier's Reading Challenge titles K-2
Premier's Reading Challenge titles 3-4
Premier's Reading Challenge titles 5-6
Premier's Reading Challenge titles 7-9
The NSW Premier's Reading Challenge has an excellent website with loads of information and advice such as book lists, rules, FAQs and online registration.
Children's Book Week
The dates for Book Week 2023 are 19-25 August
The theme for 2023 is Read grow inspire
Local schools and preschools are invited to the library during Book Week to help us celebrate short listed books.
See more from the Children's Book Council of Australia
National Simultaneous Storytime
Organised by the Australian Library and Information Association, the National Simultaneous Storytime promotes the value of reading and literacy, the importance of the Australian book industry and the role of libraries through this special annual event.
Summer Reading Club

For details about Summer Reading Club 2023/24, keep an eye on our events page or follow us on Facebook.