HSC & Homework eResources
HSC eResources

Ancient History
The British School at Rome: The Herculaneum Conservation Project
Legal Studies
PDHPE eResources
Cancer Council
Heart Foundation
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australia Institute of Sport
Nutrition Australia
NSW Health
Asthma Australia
Diabetes Australia
Drug info @ your library
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Family and Community Services
Australian Human Rights Commission
Religion eResources
Association for studies of Religion
NSW Board of Jewish Education
Islamic Sciences & Research Academy
Christian Research Association
Visual Arts eResources
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
National Gallery of Australia
National Gallery of Victoria
Oxford Art Online
Yale University Library
Homework eResources
The Library has a number of suggested full-text eResources to help students with their homework and school projects.
Can't find what you're looking for? Have a look at our full list of eResources.
Gale Databases These databases give students and adults a direct path to learning. Our wide range of public library databases supports every phase of life. From workforce development and entrepreneurship to kindergarten preparedness, learning never has to stop.
Australian Dictionary of Biography The Australian Dictionary of Biography is Australia's preeminent dictionary of national biography. In it you will find concise, informative and fascinating descriptions of the lives of over 12,000 significant and representatives persons in Australian history.

Discovering Anzacs Explore a growing selection of government records about Australians and New Zealanders in World War I and the Boer War. Enhance a profile dedicated to the wartime journey of someone who served. Uncover the personal stories of service men and women through original archival records.
Encyclopaedia Britannica An online encyclopaedia in 3 sections: Encyclopaedia Britannica Advanced for adults and older students, Britannica Student for students 10-14 years old, Britannica Junior for students for young students 6-10 years old.
Subjects: Broad, general reference.
New South Wales ANZAC Centenary: Records of NSW and World War I NSW State Records collection relating to World War I. Overviews of records associated with war-related topics, research guide and indexes.